Green Rules By The Corporates


 For the second December in a row, as temperatures plunge in India’s national capital, tens of thousands of people are out on the streets in Delhi to protest laws passed by Parliament that they believe are unjust.

Farmers, primarily from Punjab but a great many from other states too, have been blockading a number of the roads entering the capital for 19 days now. Thousands of tractors are jamming traffic into Delhi. And the crowds are growing.

The protests have continued despite several rounds of talks between the government and the farmer groups on the three new farm bills that deregulate the sector and were touted as Indian agriculture’s “1991 moment”.

Many of the farmer groups are prepared for the long haul, bringing along food stocks to last several months, receiving relief and support from home and locals – and even setting up a makeshift gym. The government, after saying it was willing to make some significant alterations to the laws, has insisted it is open to talks. The farmer groups, however, are demanding a full repeal of the legislations.

Adani, Ambani & other corporates had an eye on massive food grain market of India. They had few problems:

Problem 1 : 
States had different rules & regulations to buy food grains from farmers. It was difficult for corporates to handle so many states with so many different regulations & taxes.

Modi Solution:
Took control from states and made 1 act for the whole country. Corporates are happy now.

Problem 2:
Corporates will buy crops and store them. But Essential Commodity act will stop them from storing crops for a long time, as it increases prices in the market.

Modi Solution: 
Food crops will not come under the Essential Commodity act and can be stored for a longer period. Corporates are again happy.

Problem 3
It was hard to determine what type of crop will be grown by farmers.

Modi Solution:

Contract farming for farmers where they will be told by corporates to grow what kind of crop. Corporates are again happy.

Problem 4 :

How Corporates will handle court cases if anything goes wrong against farmers.

Modi Solution:

Farmers cannot go to courts. They will go to SDM and DC.
Corporates again happy as they can bribe them

They say bills are in favour of farmers.


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