What is happening around us?

Independence Day


   Designed by Komman Man and Mathu Prakas

Everyone knows the value of our National flag. Of course, every flag whether it is a national flag (or) a flag of a political party (or) a flag of any social forum like Red cross, NCC (or) St.John ambulance has a motto. Every flag has it’s significance of it’s motto. The colours and the symbols also represent the nation's doctrine through the flag to our society.

The tri-colours and the chakra of our Indian flag symbolize certain noble characters of our country. The Saffron stands for Courage and Sacrifice, the White colour indicates Peace and Serenity, and the Green denotes the Abundance of our Indian soil's natural wealth; whereas “Asoka Chakra” in the centre of the flag stands for the Dharma of our nation. This is what we are taught in our school's; till to date we teach our younger generations the same to nurture our nation’s integrity and harmony.

But what is happening now?

Recently, one-third rated comedian-actor cum politician, who is changing his colour very often, manipulated the nobles doctrines of the national flag into religious partitions like Saffron shows Hindus, White shows Christians and Green shows Muslims; he also suggested the TamilNadu CM to remove (cutaway) the Saffron from the flag and host it on Independence Day. In this way he instigated communal and religious violence among the public. His talks are of the highly criminal and punishable act according to Indian Constitution; whoever it is, however they are important should be imprisoned for humiliating the national flag, which is our highly valuable property.

Here I must mention two important social protests done by Thanthai Periyar. In 1955 he had fixed a date to burn the Indian national flag to protest against imposing Hindi in our state and was sent to jail for six months as a punishment. He obeyed the law. In 1960, he burnt the Indian map excluding TamilNadu, explaining the then Central govt. was a Brahmin Raj. He was such a potent person and he never ran away from the legal proceedings like the above mentioned idiotic person.

Finally one question- few months back one journalist called the Present TamilNadu Deputy CM as impotent. Is the above mentioned chameleon, potent enough to face the legal actions on him for betraying our flag and instigating communal and religious riots? Or else, as usual, he will be running like a coward behind a powerful woman to safeguard himself from the imprisonment?

Happy Independence Day



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