EIA2020- Environmental Impact Assessment

      Designed by Komman Man

Before going to the main topic, let me share a few of my thoughts- according to our present Indian Government our Social Activists, Scholars, Intellectuals and Economic Experts, Genius who are all voicing for the social causes like Natural Resources Preservation (or) Economic Protection (or) Concerning about the lives of the poor are branded as "Anti-Indians"; whereas our Government is bothering about a hand full of Corporates who are fighting for No.1 position of World's Richest Person.

Now let us move into our topic EIA2020

Our Pandit Nehru adopted " Mixed Economic Policy" to develop India by Industrial Growth; for this, he invited our nations intellectuals experts, industrialists from various fields to get their advice and guidance. But he never sold the country's resources to the corporates and neither destroyed our country's natural wealth. The regulatory bodies in our country were very strict in order to protect the Indian Panorama. Later on Mrs.Indira Gandhi's period also our country's jungles and the tribals habitations are protected. Even Ratan Tata once called her government as a "licensed government" at her personal meeting with her; because to start an industry in India one has to run after table to table to get clearance license and other formalities. In that way, an entrepreneur (or) an industrialist had to wait for a quite a long period to start his business, industry (or) factory.

A few years back Tata groups wanted to start Nano car manufacturing industry in West Bengal. But due to severe opposition from the public of West Bengal, he shifted his dream project to some other state. Bengalis never allowed anyone to exploit their lands. They knew very well, if they permit the nano car factory in their lands, how much water resources, lands and forest they have to sacrifice. They fought against it and won the battle. Likewise in Tamil Nadu, the people are fighting against the Sterlite Copper Industry in Tuticorin till to date.

In retrospect, I've sensed the pain of 1984 Union Carbide Accident in Bhopal. The irresponsible, the negligent act of the industry led to the vast destruction of normal life. More than ten thousand people died and more than five lakh people were affected by various incurable deadly diseases like cancer, permanent blindness, paralysis, etc; for more than forty years the survivors of the accident fought for the justice but in vain. So in 1986, the Environmental Protection Act was implemented. Even though there are very strong and strict regulations have to be followed according to EPA1986, we come across fatal accidents which cost human life as well as the destruction of local natural resources. Such a recent accident took place in a chemical factory in Vizag which costs some thirteen lives; amoung them are innocent children and pedestrians. Who could bring their lives back? What compensations could equalise the lost lives to their families?

          Designed by Komman Man

Many strict rules were relaxed (or) violated when India signed "Globalization Pact" in 1991 under the pressure of the USA. In India, the aristocracy from top to bottom level are highly corrupted and so are easily bought by the selfish corporate crocodiles from all over the world; and so our lives are not only endangered but also at stake.

If the EIA2020 pact would be implanted with lots of loop holes which are pointed out by our social activists we surely are going to make India into the dessert. 

*Do we need to legalise this pact in a hurry at this pandemic period while people are dying without food (or) medicine?

*Is it wise to destroy our fertile lands which feed the majority of the population for the sake of saving few corporates?

*What is the guarantee for the development of industrial growth (or) minimizing the unemployment problem?

*Who are going to invest at this worst global economic recession and most of our industrialists are gone bankruptcy?

We people of India expect an honest, transparent, crystal clear answers for the above mentioned queries because this EIA2020 is involved with nations safety also.

Awake India

*Are we going to allow our government to seduce our motherland?

*Are we betraying and degrading our soil?

Save India



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