Lockup Murders? 3


                         Designed by Komman Man

     The aristocratic area, that is our Govt. is convinced and justifying the cruel and murderous act of police that they're under stress and tension due to COVID19. So what? Today, on earth, every human is under stress and tension due to COVID19 telling so many reasons like unemployment, job loss, hunger and losing other basic needs for a livelihood. At this disaster time, it is their duty to protect the people as well as maintaining law and order in our nation. But nowadays wherever we see, whichever direction we turn, all over the world the comman coin of the "police" is Brutality. They could bend the law and kill anybody else in the name of the accused and take them into their custody and without any enquiry, they torture and murder them. The famous story they could tell is the accused died of a heart attack (or) cardiac arrest. All the lockup deaths are always branded as suspicious deaths. It is because of the police people's attitude. They forget the morals and ethics of their profession. Instead of protecting the public from the criminals, they're turned into criminals. Instead of bringing peace in society, they spread violence among the communities. There is a difference between calling for an enquiry and taking under custody. Police have the right to enquire anybody under any suspicious circumstances without any legal formalities. But taking one person under custody means a lot- the police has lots of legal formalities to follow. Here at Sathankulam, these two victims were called for an enquiry and brutally murdered for a very simple reason they asked the police why they were called for an enquiry. 
         * Do this irresponsible police ever realize the   pains and tears of the families who lost their lovable and valuable ones?
          *    Are we living in a barbaric age?

                                                           (To be contd.)



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